
Horatio Spafford was a devout Christian who lived nearly 150 years ago. In November 1873, Spafford decided to take his entire family for a vacation in Europe. A sudden business venture delayed Horatio from leaving but he sent his family on ahead. He would meet up with them on the other side of the Atlantic. The ship which his family boarded, however, never made it. It collided with another ship and sank within twenty minutes. While Horatio’s wife, Anna, was one of the 47 survivors, hundreds drowned. Among them were Spafford’s four daughters: Anna (11), Maggie (9), Bessie (7) and Tanetta (2).  When the news reached Spafford, he boarded the very next ship for Europe. It is said, that when his ship passed the area where his four daughters drowned, he penned the words…

When peace like a river, attends my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, you have taught me to know
It is well, it is well, with my soul.

Maybe this Thanksgiving isn’t what you expected it to be.  Maybe you are finding it hard to give thanks when your face is covered with a facemask or when families are distanced by mandates or by their differing opinions.  I know, it isn’t that you don’t recognize an abundance of blessings from the Lord’s hand.  It’s just that it’s so easy to focus on the challenges you’re facing or the things that are missing or the people that are no longer present.

There is only one thing that could enable Safford to write this song even in the midst of an incredible challenge. By the grace of God he was able to look away from his loss and his pain to the clear promises of God. He knew that if God loved him so much that he would send his Son to die for him then he certainly loved him enough to take care of his every need and work things for his good as his redeemed child.

I hope this thanksgiving finds you filled with joy and happiness for all the blessings that God gives.  But if your joy and happiness begin to wane because you’re distracted by the challenges of life, turn with Horatio Spafford to the cross and let the Lord teach you again through his cross and his care, what it means to be his child.  Your eternal life is secure and your earthly life is in his powerful hands.  No matter your circumstances, your soul is safe in Jesus and all is well.  Happy Thanksgiving.

He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? - Romans 8:32
