He didn’t know why everything seemed to be going wrong in his life. Family members had died. His health was failing. He didn’t know if his wife was going to leave him or if his friends even liked him. There was a lot that Job didn’t know.
But one thing he did. He knew a promise from God to send a Redeemer to deliver him…not necessarily from the problems of life but from the penalty of sin...and that made all the difference. The penalty of his sin would be endured by another. His Redeemer would pay the price of death and would stand victorious, alive and well. Job’s faith in that Redeemer meant sins forgiven, a bodily resurrection, and reunion in heaven.
Centuries later Jesus would fulfill that promise from God. Jesus didn’t just bear the penalty of Job’s sin but yours and mine to the point of hell and death…but he came back to life, never to die again. Faith in a living Redeemer means you are right with God. It means your body too will rise. Your Redeemer lives and you will see him with your own eyes and all who have died in his name. That same Redeemer lives to patiently guide you through the problems of this life until the life when problems are no more.
With the eyes of faith, Job stood at the empty tomb and saw his living, victorious Redeemer. Stand there with him. What he knew by faith, you know as fact. Oh, the sweet joy this sentence gives, “I know that my Redeemer lives.”