Sleep In Peace

Sleep in Peace

David knew trouble.  He knew national trouble as a king, parenting trouble as a father, and relationship trouble as a husband. His life was threatened, and his character was attacked. His weaknesses were many and his guilt was heavy.  Read through a few of his Psalms and you will come to the same conclusion, David knew trouble.

But David also knew that God was greater than his trouble.   National, parenting, or relationship trouble would not derail God’s great plan for his future.  Threats on his life and attacks on his character were minor because he called God his Father.  His weaknesses were made strong and his guilt disappeared because he called God’s Son, his brother.  David knew at the end of any given day, no matter what trouble came to him, he could sleep in peace because he was safe with God.

I have no idea what is in store for you today. A lot can happen between now and the time your head hits the pillow tonight. But no matter what happens, you can do the same as David. Sleep peacefully and in safety because God is your Father and Jesus is your brother.

In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.
–Psalm 4:8

Sleep In Peace