Remember and Wait!
But [the Israelites] soon forgot what he had done and did not wait for his plan to unfold. – Psalm 106:13
The people of Israel witnessed some amazing acts of God. They saw God turn the Nile River into blood. Things like frogs, flies, and locust were sent by God in plague proportion to coordinate their rescue. Diseases, hail, darkness, and death were assigned to their enemy by the hand of God. And if that wasn’t amazing enough, the Red Sea split in two, providing safe passage through the sea. God had a wonderful plan for them to arrive in the promised land and he would make it happen.
No matter what they faced they were equipped to handle it. Remembering God’s great acts of deliverance would give them confidence for the future. Patiently anticipating the fulfillment of his gracious plan would give them hope for a better tomorrow. Their role was simple, remember what God had done for him and wait for his plan to unfold.
But they soon forgot what he had done and did not wait for his plan to unfold. (Psalm 106 13) It’s human to forget and it’s human to be impatient but it’s not good. Especially when it’s forgetting what God has done and being impatient with his plan. It only leads to worry and often leads to wickedness, just like it did for the Israelites.
Like the Israelites, through the words of the Bible, you have witnessed some amazing acts of God. 20 centuries ago, God became a human for you. He changed water into wine, walked on water, and healed the sick. More than that, he lived in a world of temptation and never sinned once. He was injected with your sin, paid for it with his life, and then rose from the dead, providing safe passage through death. It was all part of God’s wonderful plan to bring you into the promised land of heaven.
Like the Israelites, no matter what you face you are equipped to handle anything. Remembering God’s great act of deliverance in Christ can give you confidence for the future. Patiently anticipating his gracious plan to bring you to your heavenly home will give you certain hope for a better tomorrow.
If you want confidence and hope, don’t worry or resort to wickedness like the Isrealites. Instead, remember what he has done and wait for his plan to unfold.