Peace in Him

Hours before he would give his life on the cross Jesus was thinking about his disciples.  Not just as the all-knowing God but as a faithful friend, he knew their hearts were restless.  They were going to experience some traumatic things in the days ahead and to be honest, they would have a rough go of things for the rest of their lives. They needed to know things were going to be okay. Jesus knew they needed peace and so he told them were to find it.

It certainly wasn’t going to be in the world. This world would only bring them trouble. A real sinful world brings with it real sinful problems. No, they would find their peace in him and in him alone.

Jesus came into this world as the fulfillment of a battleplan that God drew up in eternity.  God’s Son would become one of us and fight on the battlefield of this world.  For about 33 years Jesus took on the world’s sin, including yours and mine. Ultimately, it’s curse and consequences killed him in the final battle on the cross. But three days later, when it looked like he had been overcome, your conquering hero rose victorious from the grave.  Its proof that nothing is beyond his power and no one is outside his love.

Thousands of years after Jesus gave his life on the cross Jesus is still thinking about his disciples, including you.  As the all-knowing God and your faithful friend, he knows that your heart can get restless. Whatever trouble you are experiencing, whatever it is that is causing the unrest, take heart.  Your conquering hero is alive and well, simultaneously by your side and ruling in heaven. His power for you is limitless, and his love for is unconditional. Things are going to be okay.  Find your peace in Jesus.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” – John 16:33

Peace in Him