Love Never Fails

Love Never Fails

I still remember my first car. It was a white 1980 Ford Fiesta. I bought it for $1 from my grade school principal. It was in rough shape, but it got me where I needed to go. About 9 months later, I learn a painful lesson about how important oil was to an engine. You don’t need to know all the details, but its life was cut drastically short and I had to get rid of it.

We live in a world where things wear out and die, sometimes as a result of our own neglect. Something God designed to never wear out or die is your love. How’s that going for you? Still loving everyone you come into contact with or do you withhold it from some? Is your love for the people around you waxing or waning, growing or dying? Years of operation can do a number to a car engine. Miles and miles of wear and tear can finally bring it to a screeching halt, especially if we don’t take care of it. The same is true of love. Maybe your stalled on the side of road and wondering how you’re going to get your love engine roaring again.

What oil is to an engine, Jesus is to your love. It just doesn’t work without him. In the manger is a love that left heaven for you. On the cross is a love that died for you. At the empty tomb is a love that came back to life for you. In the Word is a love that will never leave you. In heaven is a love that can’t wait to see you.

Jesus’ forgiving love for you will drive your forgiving love of others. His patient love for you will power your patient of others. His endless love for you will fuel your endless love of others.

Jesus’ love will never fail to fill you with a love that never fails.

Love never fails. - 1 Corinthians 13:8

Love Never Fails