Love Is Not Easily Angered

How long does is take before you to lay on the horn when the car doesn’t notice the green light?  When was the last time you flew off the handle when someone posted a comment you disagreed with?  How quickly did you lose your cool because something didn’t go your way?

Guilt, jealousy, fear, or insecurity can cause a heart to become easily angered.  And a heart that is easily angered doesn’t love well.

Whatever it is filling your heart to make it so angry, take it to the cross and  have it replaced with something better.

At the cross, God removes your guilt by forgiving your sin in Jesus and fills your heart with love.
At the cross, God empties you of jealousy by promising riches in heaven and fills your heart with love.
At the cross, God deletes your fear by removing the sting of death and fills your heart with love.
At the cross, God drains your insecurity by displaying the depth of your worth to him and fills your heart love.

For a heart to love like Jesus, a heart has to know the love of Jesus.  At the cross you get the greatest glimpse of his love for you.  Spend more time at the cross and watch the anger melt away.

Love is not easily angered – 1 Corinthians 13:5

Love Is Not Easily Angered