Love Is Kind!
It seems all you see these days are “random acts of violence and senseless acts of cruelty”. Anne Herbert apparently saw the same thing in the early 80s. In fact, it prompted her to write a phrase on the placemat in front of her to counterbalance what she observed. Ten years later she wrote a book and a nationwide movement was born. “Practice random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty.”
Paying the toll for the person behind you; buying a warm meal for someone in need; stopping to assist someone who’s lost are all examples of random acts of kindness. It can even be as small as giving a smile to someone who looks sad. God calls us to love all people and love is kind.
Random acts of kindness make a difference because love makes a difference. No act of loving kindness has made a bigger difference than the substitutionary life and death of Jesus. It was by no means random, but it was incredibly kind. It made all the difference for you. He paid the toll of your sin at his own expense. His blood bought your place at the table simply because you needed it. You were hopelessly lost but he provided the way. No matter how sad your day, there’s a smile on his face for you. You are the recipient of the kindest love there is.
There are plenty of people in your life that need to know the loving kindness of Jesus. Let them see it in your life. Love everyone. Be kind to all.
Love is kind – 1 Corinthians 13:4.
This is the second in a series on LOVE. See previous devotions HERE.