Love Does Not Dishonor Others
There are plenty of people in this world that are different than you are. They may have a different color of skin or country of origin. It could be a different political party or a different lifestyle. They might live on a different side of the tracks or the other side of the world.
Shaming or disgracing someone because they are different is not love. Their friends and opinions may be different that yours, but they still deserve to be loved and honored as a creation of God. The reality is every person on this planet was formed by the hands of God in their mother’s womb…just like you were. They were given an eternal soul by the Creator…just like you were. No matter who they are, they are loved by the Lord and precious in his sight…just like you are.
Even if they’ve chosen a lifestyle contrary to the will of God or support something that conflicts with the truth, they are to be loved. There are ways to confront sin and teach the truth, to correct and love without dishonoring them. The goal is to win someone over for the truth. Shaming them does not help to accomplish that goal. Shaming and disgracing often satisfies our sinful desire to win, but it doesn’t satisfy God’s will of love. It’s the easy way out.
For all the times we’ve shamed and dishonored others, Jesus didn’t take the easy way out. He didn’t shame us for lives contrary to his will or for words and actions in conflict with the truth. Instead, he loved us enough to take our shame upon himself. He endured our punishment and died our death. Three days later, his heart began to beat again and now through his Spirit he puts a new beating heart in you too. One that beats with love and compassion for everyone no matter who they are or how different they may be. One that loves them enough to share with them the only Savior from sin and the only truth that can change lives.
[Love] does not dishonor others. – 1 Corinthians 13:5
This is the fifth devotion in a series on LOVE. See previous devotions HERE.