Love Always...

Love Always...

I want my love to always protect, but there’s all this stuff I know about my limitations and worldly dangers and how things usually go.
I want my love to always believe the best, but there’s all this stuff I know about human nature and reputations and how things usually go.
I want my love to always hope for the best, but there’s all this stuff I know about the past and reality and how things usually go.
I want my love to always persevere, but there’s all this stuff I know about my weaknesses and endurance and how things usually go.

I don’t always love the way I want to, but do you know who does?  God.

God’s love always protects you in spite of your limitations and in the face of worldly dangers.
God’s love always believes the best about you as he views you through Jesus’ blood and righteousness.
God’s love always expects the best because he works all things for your good.
God’s love always perseveres because its impossible for him to stop loving you.

Always try to love like God, but never forget God loves you always…yes, always!

[Love] always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. - 1 Corinthians 13:7

Love Always...