I Lack Nothing

Sometimes it happens when I am lying in bed at night or I am in the company of good friends. It happens when I see my wife smile across a crowded room. Most often it happens when I spend time in God's Word...I get this moment of clarity. I am reminded of how good things are and how blessed I am. It’s a moment when cares are no longer in my heart because peace has filled it’s chambers. The promises of God are all that matter and contentment is the result.

Contentment should characterize my whole life, but far too often it doesn’t. I have a sinful nature that worries and whines. It chases after stuff and always wants more. It loves to sin and then gets stuck in guilt. I am a sheep that loves to wander.

Thank God, I have Jesus as my shepherd. With a voice of authority, he calls me to repentance and then holds me in his gracious love. Safe in his nail-scared hands I am reminded how truly blessed I am. Real peace is no further than his words, “I forgive you" and his promises are always present to supply contentment.

My Shepherd has chased away the clouds and things are clear again. It’s a good day!

The Lord is my Shepherd, I lack nothing. – Psalm 23:1

I Lack Nothing