Follow Me
I was overwhelmed with the trust required by the one and floored by the guidance of the other.
On my morning walk, I saw two grown men out running. Other than the fact they were running rather close to each other, I didn’t think much of it…until they got closer. As they approached me, I noticed they were actually tied together by a tether. One man was blind, the other was leading the way.
Can you imagine the trust required by the one who was blind? Every step was a step into darkness. It carried with it the prospect of a sprained ankle or a broken nose. Every stride was dangerous and potentially painful, but he trusted the guidance of his friend. With his friend in the lead, his steps didn’t seem so dark and his strides so dangerous.
Every day for you in a sense is a step into darkness. It carries with it the potential of strained relationships or broken dreams. Every stride in a sinful world is dangerous and potentially painful.
That’s why you need to know you can trust the guidance of your friend and Savior, Jesus. His eyes are constantly scanning the landscape for potential dangers. He knows what terrain will be too tough for you. He won’t take you anywhere that he hasn’t been first. Trust him and keep running. Listen to his voice in the Word and follow his lead.
"Follow me" – Mark 2:14