I remember as a young boy my dad and I would rent a small aluminum rowboat to go fishing. When I got strong enough to row the boat, my dad was more than happy to let me do all the rowing. If you’ve ever rowed a boat, you know you face the opposite direction the boat is moving. It was a little unsettling to not see where I was going. Every time I turned around, I veered off track. My dad taught me to right myself on a landmark on shore behind the boat and focus on it to go straight. He promised he would tell me about any dangers I couldn’t see. His advice was simple.
Keep your eyes on the landmark and listen to your Father. That's good advice.
There is a lot that can be unsettling in life. It’s like rowing a boat and not knowing what’s ahead of you. An MRI reveals a potential cancerous spot on a vital organ. An unexpected expense can fall right in our lap. Plans begin to crumble and anxieties mount. Not knowing the future can be rather unsettling.
In many respects the future is blind to us…but not to God. His promise is to take care of what we don’t see. Our job is to steady ourselves on the things we know from the past, the landmarks if you will. There is a landmark event that took place 2000 years ago with which you can steady yourself. It’s an event that proves God’s love for you. It’s an event that puts things in perspective and proves the future will be okay. That landmark event is death and resurrection of a Savior who has never taken his eyes off of you. Keep your eyes on that landmark…
...and listen to your Father. In his Word is promise after promise to take care of you. He’s got you covered. As God moves you forward, keep your eyes focused on the cross past and keep your ears listening to his Word. You’ll end up right where he wants you with a boatload of blessings.
And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. -Hebrews 12:1-2