
I can think two times in my life when I actually thought I was going to drown in a body of water. Once in a pool and once in an ocean.  But I can think of plenty of times I felt like I was going to drown in a sea of obligations or emotions, of commitments or worries. Have you ever been there? You’re up to your ears in responsibilities and deadlines, then someone hands you a Christmas list and you can barely keep your head above water.  You’ve finally learned to cope with a painful loss only to have the holidays bring a flood emotions and tears.  You’re weighed down with guilt and insecurities and above you is what seems like an ocean of financial concerns, relationship issues, family challenges and workplace headaches.  You can only hold your breath for so long.

Have you ever seen a young child when they are learning to swim or going into the deep end for the very first time?  Mom or Dad slowly ease them into the water or the deep end and they panic and start to cry because they think they are going to drown. But they’re not…because Mom or Dad’s strong, steady hands have a hold of them.  They assure them, “I’ve got you, and I won’t let you go.”

In a few weeks, we are going to celebrate the birth of a little child who was none other than the son of God.  For 33 years he lived in the same world you live in with the same concerns, same issues, same challenges, and same headaches. He lived that life perfectly as your substitute.  Then he gave his innocent life over to death. He died that death willingly, releasing you from the weight of your guilt.  Through the gift of that Savior, God reached out and grabbed you and brought you close to him and promised to bring you to a place called heaven where there are no more issues, concerns, challenges and headaches.

I know all those things that confront you are real, but so is your Savior.  He pulled you from the depths of hell and took hold of you.  Like that child in the pool you might feel like you are going to drown, but you’re not. His strong, nail-scared hands have a hold of you.  Trust him as He says to you, “I’ve got you and I won’t let you go. “  

He reached down from on high and took hold of me;
   he drew me out of deep waters.
– Psalm 18:16

 See previous devotions HERE.
