Do Not Be Anxious

Do not worry about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. – Philippians 4:6

Anxiety is real. Somewhere out there is…

a man worried about his marriage.
a woman concerned about her children.
a child troubled by a bully.
a girl distressed by her weight.
a boy craving dad’s approval
a couple upset with each other
a family overwrought with stress
a teen bothered with depression.
a father battling addiction.
a mother overwhelmed with guilt.
a grandma nervous about her health.

Occasional anxiety chases away enjoyment. Chronic anxiety can be a gateway to depression or despair. God never said life would be easy, but he doesn’t want you to live that way.

Take whatever it is that bothering you and go to the Lord with it. He wants to hear from you because he can’t wait to help you. It’s what he does. Maybe it will sound something like this.

Lord, there is so much on my mind. I have so many worries. How will I get all this done? What if I fall again to temptation? What about my loved one? So much seems out of my control. Add on top of that the guilt I feel because of all my failings. I find myself borrowing trouble from tomorrow and overdrawing on the guilt of yesterday. It all leaves me less than ready for today. Forgive me, for worrying about tomorrow and hanging on to yesterday’s guilt. Forgive me for everything, I need it...desperately. Teach me that yesterday has been sanctified by Jesus' blood and that tomorrow may never come. And if it does come, you are always present and strong to save. Amen.

Go live today, thankful that whatever is on your heart is now in his hands.

Do Not Be Anxious