
Just the other day, my 16-year-old son, elevated to catch the football and broke his left arm as he hit the ground.  Both his radius and ulna snapped clean in half.  It was the kind of injury people look away the moment they see it.  Three hours of emergency surgery, two nights in the hospital and one tremendous amount of pain later he was discharged.

God has the power to heal my son’s arm immediately so he could be back to practice tomorrow, but more than likely he’ll use time, and rest, and the wisdom of modern medicine.  The doctor says 6-8 weeks, but it’s really up to the Lord to heal him as and when he knows best.

Broken bones are a reality in this world, but so are broken hearts.  Those that have had both, would agree that while broken bones are bad, broken hearts are worse. Unfortunately, living in a sinful world broken hearts are more common than broken bones.

How is your heart?  Do you miss someone you love?  Have you been hurt by someone close to you?  Have you disappointed a person who is dear to you?  Maybe it’s all three and more. Have broken promises and shattered dreams left your heart the same way, broken and shattered?

God could heal your heart immediately and get you back in the game (and please keep praying for that to happen), but more than likely he’ll use time, rest, and the incredible promises he’s given in his Word.

The best remedy for a broken heart is to spend time under the warm blanket of Jesus love and attention.  His promise of forgiveness and peace will give your heart the rest it needs to mend.  Day by day his love and attention will strengthen you to forget what you need to forget, to forgive what you need to forgive, and grow where you need to grow.  There is no heart too broken or wound too deep for the great physician to heal.

Let him wrap your heart in his promises, bind up your wounds with his love.  He will heal you as and when he knows best. It’s what he does.

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. – Psalm 147:3
