Bad News

I remember standing at the counter in Tucson at the DMV. I was fifteen and a half. I had just completed my driver’s permit test.  That’s when the man behind the counter asked if I wanted the good or the bad news first. I always choose the bad first. My hope is the good news will overshadow the bad.  Sometimes it does, but this time it didn’t.

“The bad news is you failed the test,” he said, “but the good news is you can come back next week and take the test again.”  For some reason, the good news didn’t make me feel much better.
There’s good news and bad news for you today, but I can assure you the good will most certainly overshadow the bad.

The bad news is you are going to hear a lot of bad news in your life.  Someday the news will come that someone close to you has breathed their last.  There will be a day when you’ll find out a loved one has disappointed you and hurt you deeply. It’s almost certain you will turn on the news and hear about things that make you worry.  There will be bad news about how you’ve betrayed God and the people around you by words you spoken and promises you broken. The bad news will keep coming; it’s inevitable in a sin-sick world.

The good news is you don’t have to be afraid of the bad news.  Someday you’ll see that loved one who died in the Lord again. Jesus’ resurrection makes that certain. On the days that people disappoint and hurt you, your loving Savior will never fail you and always heal the hurt.   When the news makes you worry, Jesus assures you he’s on his throne and dispatches and angel army for your protection. And when you’ve betrayed God and people by your hurtful words and broken promises, forgiveness and a fresh start are always yours as a gift from the God who died for you.

God’s good news will always overshadow whatever bad news you hear.

They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the LORD.  – Psalm 112:7

Bad News