A Great Exchange
The Louisiana Purchase is one of the greatest deals in history. $15,000,000 is a lot of money, but it’s almost nothing considering what the US received in return. France handed over 530,000,000 acres that eventually made up all or part of fifteen modern US states between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains. That’s less than 3 cents per acre. At the time, it seemed too good to be true but in 1803, the United States was the recipient of an incredible exchange.
The US was given a great deal, but you are the recipient of the greatest deal of all time - an exchange between God and you. You didn’t bring any money. That’s not the currency when God brokers a deal. Love is, but you didn’t have any to offer. All you brought to the table was a life of unsuccessful attempts at love, countless times you lost your cool, and all your failings as a parent, child, spouse, or friend. Every last bit of it was loaded on the table and pushed over to God.
He justice quietly assessed your miserable offering. His love looked at his dearly loved, perfect Son. In perfect agreement, his Son humbly nodded his head and God slid a piece of paper across the table.
“For your life of sin and rebellion, I give the perfect life of my Son. His life of perfect love in exchange for your life devoid of it. He’ll assume your sin, endure your punishment, and die in your place. You’ll be credited with his righteousness, escape all punishment, and live forever as my child.”
It seems too good to be true but there’s an empty tomb in Jerusalem that confirms it. Jesus got your sin; you got his righteousness. It’s called grace and it yours!
God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. - 2 Corinthians 5:21