A Good Day!

A Good Day!

Hanging above our kitchen window is a sign that says, “It’s a good day for a good day.”

It’s easy to get confused about what makes a day good. It has nothing to do with what you accomplish or how you feel.

God wants you to work hard and love well, but at the end of the day there will always be more to do, and your love will always be lacking.  A good day cannot be dependent on what you accomplish.

A good day can’t be based on how you feel either.  Feelings can be deceiving. They are too unstable and unreliable to be a measure of a good day.

A good day is really based on what the Lord has accomplished and how he feels about you.

Look at what he’s done, especially when it comes to your salvation.  Everything that was necessary to reconcile you to your creator is accomplished. Jesus was born, lived perfectly in your place, died innocently for your sin, came back to life, and ascended to heaven with his mission accomplished.  He did it all with perfect love for you.  There is nothing left to accomplish, and it was all accomplished in love.

That means God has some wonderful feelings for you. Whether you feel like it or not, you’re forgiven in Jesus and God is happy to have you as his child.  Whether you feel like it or not, God loves you more that you can ever imagine. Whether you feel like it or not, God is always by your side to strengthen and support you.   Whether you feel like it or not, God is always in control and will bring you safely home.

With Jesus...every day is a good day!

This is the day the LORD has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.  – Psalm 118:24

A Good Day!